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姓  名: 张志勇 研 究 组: 水陆交错带植物生物学研究组
职  务: 研究组长 职  称: 副研究员
通讯地址: 江西省九江市濂溪区威家镇中国科学院庐山植物园鄱阳湖分园
邮政编码: 332015 电子邮箱: zzyzwx@126.com
姓  名: 张志勇
研 究 组: 水陆交错带植物生物学研究组
职  务: 研究组长
职  称: 副研究员
通讯地址: 江西省九江市濂溪区威家镇中国科学院庐山植物园鄱阳湖分园
邮政编码: 332015
电子邮箱: zzyzwx@126.com


2003年 毕业于山西师范大学,获生物科学学士学位;

2007年 毕业于西南大学,获植物学硕士学位;

2015年 毕业于中国科学院植物研究所,获植物学博士学位;



2007年 入职中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,任研究实习员;

2015-2017年 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所做博士后;

2017年9月 入职中国科学院庐山植物园; 





SCI期刊Palynology和Frontiers of Earth Science审稿人


九江学院资源环境学院兼职教授 (2021.11-2023.10)






2013年获得澳大利亚麦考瑞大学 MQRES奖学金 




7. 川西北地区风媒植物花粉空间分布格局和传播动力机制, 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,2019/01-2022/12,主持 ,已结题

6. 全球气候变化下植物的垂直迁移及植被带动态, 中国科学院庐山植物园庐山植物专项,2019/09-2021/08,主持 ,已结题

5. 轨道尺度青藏高原下垫面变化与东亚季风变率, 国家自然科学基金重大项目,2017/01-2021/12,参与,已结题 

4. 青藏高原东部高寒草甸区域相对花粉产量估算及其应用, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017/01-2020/12,参与,已结题 

3. 青藏高原中东部全新世植被演替与气候演变研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2014/01-2016/12,参与,已结题 

2. 北极新奥尔松全新世植被演替及其对气候环境变化的响应, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013/01-2016/12,参与,已结题 

1. 河北围场早中新世植被与气候, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011/01-2013/12,参与,已结题



22. Zetian Liu, Zhiyong Zhang (通讯作者), Dongmei Cheng, Zhongxin Duan, Jian Ni. 2023. Spatial influence of the Asian Summer Monsoon on pollen assemblages of the Tibetan Plateau and its potential implication for the interpretation of fossil pollen records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Top期刊). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111690

21. Zu,K.,Zhang,C.,Chen,F.,Zhang,Z.(张志勇),Ahmad,S.,Nabi,G.,2023.Latitudinal gradients of angiosperm plant diversity and phylogenetic structure in China’s nature reserves. Global Ecology and Conservation 42, e02403.

20. Zhiyong Zhang, Dongmei Cheng, Dajun Xie, Zetian Liu, Jian Ni, Aizhi Sun, Yiming Cui, Zhongxin Duan & Qiqi Li (2023) Spatial distribution of anemophilous pollen and its correlation with the Asian summer monsoon on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Palynology, 47:2, DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2022.2163517

19. 周伯睿,廖梦娜,李凯,徐德宇,陈海燕,倪健,曹现勇,孔昭宸,许清海,张芸,Herzschuh U,蔡永立,陈碧珊,陈敬安,陈陵康,程波,高洋,黄赐璇,黄小忠,李升峰,李文漪,廖淦标,刘光琇,刘平妹,刘兴起,马春梅,宋长青,孙湘君,唐领余,王曼华,王永波,夏玉梅,徐家声,阎顺,羊向东,姚轶锋,叶传永,张志勇,赵增友,郑卓,朱诚,2022. 中国地层花粉数据集. 植物生态学报: DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0316

18. Zhao,Y.,C.Liang,Q.Cui,F.Qin,Z.Zheng,X.Xiao,C.Ma,V.A.Felde,Y.Liu,Q.Li,Z.Zhang,U.Herzschuh,Q.Xu,H.Wei,M.Cai,X.Cao,Z.Guo,and H.J.B.Birks. 2021.Temperature reconstructions for the last 1.74-Ma on the eastern Tibetan Plateau based on a novel pollen-based quantitative method. Global and Planetary Change 199. 

17. Li,Y.,Yi,T.M.,Grote,P.J.,An,P.C.,Zhu,Y.B.,Zhang,Z.Y.,&Li,C.S. 2021.A new species of Pinus (Pinaceae) from the Miocene of Weichang,Hebei Province, China and its evolutionary significance. Historical Biology, 1-12. 

16. 陈海燕,徐德宇,廖梦娜,李凯,倪健,曹现勇,程波,郝秀东,孔昭宸,李升峰,李小强,刘光琇,刘平妹,刘兴起,孙湘君,唐领余,魏海成,许清海,阎顺,羊向东,杨振京,于革,张芸,张志勇,赵克良,郑卓,Herzschuh U. 2021. 中国现代花粉数据集. 植物生态学报, 45(7), 799-808 

15. Jiang,H.,Yang,J.,Liang,T.,Zhang,Z.,Wang,S.,Qi,X.& Sheng,P. 2021.Palaeoethnobotanical analysis of plant remains discovered in the graveyard of the Haihun Marquis, Nanchang, China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 30, 119-135

14. Niu,Y.,A.Bhatt,Y.Peng,W.Chen,Y.Gao,X.Zhan,Z. Zhang,W.Hu,M.Song,and Z.Yu. 2021.Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Emmenopterys henryi Oliv.,an endangered relic species endemic to China. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 68, 1135-1148

13. 李单琦,胡菀,韩彩霞,陈陆丹,张志勇,钟爱文,魏宗贤,彭焱松,2020. 基于MaxEnt模型的濒危观赏植物福建柏潜在适生区预测. 植物科学学报, 38(6): 743-750 

12. Yan Zhao,Polychronis C.Tzedakis,Quan Li,Feng Qin,Qiaoyu Cui,Chen Liang,H.John B.Birks,Yaoliang Liu,Zhiyong Zhang,Junyi Ge,Hui Zhao,Vivian A.Felde, Chenglong Deng,Maotang Cai, Huan Li,Weihe Ren,Haicheng Wei,Hanfei Yang,Jiawu Zhang,Zicheng Yu,Zhengtang Guo, 2020. Evolution of vegetation and climate variability on the Tibetan Plateau over the past 1.74 Myr. Science Advances, 6(19): eaay6193

11. Wang Lijing,Wang Yongqiang,Li Wenying,Spate Michael,Reheman Kuerban,Sun Qingli,Wang Binghua,Xu Hai,Zhang Zhiyong,Zhang Guilin,Jiang Hongen, 2020. Inner Asian agro-pastoralism as optimal adaptation strategy of Wupu inhabitants (3000-2400 cal BP) in Xinjiang. Holocene, Special Issue: 1-14

10. 胡菀,张志勇,陈陆丹,彭焱松,汪旭, 2020. 末次盛冰期以来观光木的潜在地理分布变迁. 植物生态学报, 44(1): 44-55

9. Zhang ZY,Yang FC,Cheng DM,Ferguson DK,Hu W,Li YZ, Li CS,2020. Comparison between two kinds of natural pollen traps in tropical China: ants’ nests on tree branches versus surface soil. Palynology, 44(1): 4-11 

8. Cheng DM, Zhang ZY*,Zhou SX,Peng YS,Zhang L, 2019. Relationships between leaf physiognomy and sensitivity of photosynthetic processes to freezing for subtropical evergreen woody plants. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 12(6): 551-557 (*为通讯作者) 

7. Zhang ZY,Cheng DM,Li CS,Hu W,Zhan XH,Ji HL, 2019. The complexity of climate reconstructions using the Coexistence Approach on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Palaeogeography, 8(1): 68-77  

6. 程冬梅,张丽,韦红飞,江新凤,周赛霞,张志勇,彭焱松,2019. 庐山不同海拔茶树光合响应差异研究. 茶叶科学, 39 (4), 447-454

5. 程冬梅,张志勇,周赛霞,彭焱松,张兆祥,2019. 三种常绿阔叶树光系统II在低温胁迫下的光抑制及恢复, 广西植物, 39(12): 1666-1672 

4. Liang C,Zhao Y,Qin F,Cui QY,Li Q,Li H,Zhang ZY, 2018. Complex responses of vegetation diversity to Holocene climate change in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 28(4): 379-390 

3. Zhang ZY,Li CS,2017. Distributional patterns of anemophilous tree pollen indicating the pathways of Indian monsoon through Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Palaeogeography, 6(4): 352-358 

2. Sandy P.Harrison,Han Wang,Zhiyong Zhang,I. Colin Prentice, 2017. Trait-based reconstructions of palaeoclimate. XIX International Botanical Congress, Abstract book I, General Symposia, T3-10-05, page 303

1. Zhang ZY,Harrison SP,Mosbrugger V, Ferguson DK,Paudayal KN,Trivedi A,Li CS,2015. Evaluation of the realism of climate reconstruction using the Coexistence Approach with modern pollen samples from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 219, 172-182 

