姓 名: | 金益 | 研 究 组: | 生态系统生态学研究组 |
职 务: | 研究组员 | 职 称: | 助理研究员 |
通讯地址: | 江西省九江市庐山植青路9号 | ||
邮政编码: | 332900 | 电子邮箱: | jiny@lsbg.cn |
姓 名: | 金益 |
研 究 组: | 生态系统生态学研究组 |
职 务: | 研究组员 |
职 称: | 助理研究员 |
通讯地址: | 江西省九江市庐山植青路9号 |
邮政编码: | 332900 |
电子邮箱: | jiny@lsbg.cn |
2023年6月-至今 江西省、中国科学院庐山植物园 助理研究员
2020年3月-2023年1月 中国科学院华南植物园 博士后
2014年9月-2019年12月 兰州大学 生态学 博士
2011年9月-2014年9月 兰州大学 生态学 硕士
2007年9月-2011年6月 中南大学 生物工程 学士
1. 国家自然科学基金地区基金,基于植物功能性状探讨亚热带山地不同植被类型森林优势阔叶树种适应机制,2025-2028,在研,主持
2. 中国科学院庐山植物园庐山植物专项,庐山阔叶植物功能性状沿海拔梯度的种内特征变异,2023-2026,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,黄土高原磷高效紫花苜蓿种质资源筛选及其低磷适应机理研究,结题,参与
4. 国家自然科学基金地区基金,薯-豆套作体系下氮肥减量对土壤有机碳组分的影响机制,结题,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄土高原半干旱地区高产春小麦节水机制的生理生态学基础研究,结题,参与
1. Jin Y, Ye Q, Liu X, Liu H, Gleason SM, He P, Liang X, Wu G. Precipitation, solar radiation, and their interaction modify leaf hydraulic efficiency–safety trade-off across angiosperms at the global scale. New Phytologist, 2024, 244(6): 2267-2277.
2. Luo, X, Dong, R, Siddique, K.H.M., He, J, Jin, Y*. Soybean breeding in southwestern China improved P and N utilization efficiencies by increasing phosphorus and nitrogen partitioning to pods. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, 7.
3. Jin Y, He J, Yonghe Zhu, Kadambot H. M. Siddique. Nodule formation and nitrogen use efficiency are important for soybean to adapt to water and P deficit conditions. Agriculture, 2022, 12(9): 1326.
4. Jin Y, He J, Neil C. Turner, Du Yan-Lei, Li Feng-Min. Water-conserving and biomass-allocation traits are associated with higher yields in modern cultivars compared to landraces of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in rainfed water-limited environments. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, 168: 103883.
5. He Jin #, Jin Y#, Neil C. Turner, Zhu Chen, Hong-Yan Liu, Xiao-Li Wang, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Feng-Min Li. Phosphorus application increases root growth, improves daily water use during the reproductive stage, and increases grain yield in soybean subjected to water shortage. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, 166: 103816.
6. He Jin#, Jin Y#, Yan-Lei Du, Tao Wang, Neil C. Turner, Ru-Ping Yang, Kadambot H. M. Siddique and Feng-Min Li. Genotypic variation in yield, yield components, root morphology and architecture, in soybean in relation to water and phosphorus supply. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1499.
7. He J, Palta JA, Jin Y, Turner NC. Interaction of phosphorus supply and water deficits on the yield, protein and oil content, and nitrogen fixation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Advances in Agronomy: Academic Press. 2024.
8. Liu X, Yu K, Liu H, Phillips RP, He P, Liang X, Tang W, Terrer C, Jin Y, et al. Contrasting drought tolerance traits of woody plants is associated with mycorrhizal types at the global scale. New Phytologist, 2024, 244(5): 2024-2035.
9. Ning, Q.-R, Li, Q, Zhang, H, Jin, Y, Gong, XW., Jiao, R., Bakpa, E.P., Zhao, H, Liu, H., 2024. Weak correlations among leaf thermal metrics, economic traits and damages under natural heatwaves. The Science of the total environment 916, 170022.
10. Zhang, H, Ning, Q, Li, Q., Jin, Y, Cao, Y., Bakpa, E.P., Zhao, H., Song, J., Ye, P., Wen, Y., Song, L., Liu, H., 2024. Contrasting heat tolerance of evergreen and deciduous urban woody species during heat waves. Functional Ecology n/a.
11. Yun-Yin. Feng, R. A. Richards, Jin Y, K. H. M. Siddique, Feng-Min Li and Jin He. Yield and water-use related traits in landrace and new soybean cultivars in arid and semi-arid areas of China. Field Crops Research, 2022, 283: 108559.
12. Yang J-X, Richards RA, Jin Y, He J. Both biomass accumulation and harvest index drive the yield improvements in soybean at high and low phosphorus in south-west China. Field Crops Research, 2022, 277: 108426.
13. Zhu Y-H, Weiner J, Jin Y, Yu M-X, Li F-M. Biomass Allocation Responses to Root Interactions in Wheat Cultivars Support Predictions of Crop Evolutionary Ecology Theory. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 858636.
14. He J, Jin Y, Siddique KHM, Li F-M. Trade-Off between Root Efficiency and Root Size Is Associated with Yield Performance of Soybean under Different Water and Phosphorus Levels. Agriculture, 2021, 11(6): 481.
15. Feng Y-Y, He J, Jin Y, Li F-M. High Phosphorus Acquisition and Allocation Strategy Is Associated with Soybean Seed Yield under Water- and P-Limited Conditions. Agronomy, 2021, 11(3): 574.
16. Feng T, Xi Y, Zhu Y-H, Chai N, Zhang X-T, Jin Y, Turner NC, Li F-M. Reduced Vegetative Growth Increases Grain Yield in Spring Wheat Genotypes in the Dryland Farming Region of North-West China. Agronomy, 2021, 11(4): 663.
17. He J, Jin Y, Turner NC, Li F-M. Irrigation during Flowering Improves Subsoil Water Uptake and Grain Yield in Rainfed Soybean. Agronomy, 2020, 10(1): 120.
18. He J, Jin Y, Palta JA, Liu H-Y, Chen Z, Li F-M. Exogenous ABA Induces Osmotic Adjustment, Improves Leaf Water Relations and Water Use Efficiency, But Not Yield in Soybean under Water Stress. Agronomy, 2019, 9(7): 395.
19. He J, Du Y-L, Wang T, Turner NC, Yang R-P, Jin Y, Xi Y, Zhang C, Cui T, Fang X-W, et al. Conserved water use improves the yield performance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under drought. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 179: 236-245.
20. Fang X-W, Turner NC, Xu D-H, Jin Y, He J, Li F-M. Limits to the height growth of Caragana korshinskii resprouts. Tree Physiology, 2013, 33(3): 275-284.
21. 唐玮泽, 李沁, 张浩萍, 金益, 李强, 殷德意, 叶清, 刘慧. 中国热带珊瑚岛优势木本植物抗风桐和草海桐的水分适应策略解析. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2024, 32(1): 1-9.